dharma monkey

embrace the monkey

Canada, here we come!

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We managed to answer (read: agree on) one of the most important wedding questions this weekend: Where?

Answer: Toronto. In fact, we’ve got a venue (a beautiful public garden in downtown), our hotel suite and even a United Church of Canada minister to perform the ceremony. And a wedding consultant. And someone to get our marriage license for us. And even more things that I can’t recall right now.

See, at last night’s Human Rights Campaign National Dinner, there was a silent auction item titled “Matrimony: Toronto.” And we won it. And we got a really good deal on it.

But that which makes life easier often makes another part of life a little more difficult, eh? (See, I’m getting more and more Canadian already!) While all of these things come as part of our package, there’s one little drawback. It’s going to be a very small ceremony. No more than 25 guests.

Which means, I think, that we’re going to have a wedding party back here in the good ole’ U.S. of A. sometime after we get back from the honeymoon, which, by the way, is already planned, too. A two-week exploration of Iceland, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Russia, Finland and Sweden.

And who said wedding planning was complicated? 😀

(OK, to be sure, let’s make one thing clear. We get to make up our own rules. So we’re not caught between two sets of in-laws, each with their own guest lists, special needs and long-established family traditions that dictate what must be done when and who must do it. And we don’t have to follow tradition, which means there will be no gift registries, no receiving line where everyone presses cash into our hands, and no uber-expensive sit-down-dinner reception for people we’ve either never met or seen in the last decade.)

But, there is still a big question looming: When?

Author: Sean

I am Sean, a writer/PR guy originally from the Rural South who grew up and settled down in Washington, D.C. My interests include local politics, Eastern philosophy, languages and reality television.

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