dharma monkey

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A new round of talks between HHDL and the Chinese


hhdl02.jpgThe Taipai Times reports today that representatives of His Holiness are in Beijing for a sixth round of direct discussions with the Chinese government regarding the status of Tibet.

Organizations like the International Campaign for Tibet and TibetInfoNet continue to report on deteriorating conditions for both lay and religious Tibetans (how can such a thing be imaginable, given what has taken place in Tibet over the last five decades?).  Still, we have no choice but to hold out hope.

Rolling Stone‘s Joshua Kurlantzick went to Tibet and wrote this story, which the magazine published in January. Please, read the story and do what you can to help. When change finally happens, it will ultimately be because of the actions of one individual — maybe that person is you?

No matter what your beliefs, please take a few moments to pray and generate compassion and loving-kindness for all those involved in this round of talks in Beijing.

Author: Sean

I am Sean, a writer/PR guy originally from the Rural South who grew up and settled down in Washington, D.C. My interests include local politics, Eastern philosophy, languages and reality television.

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