dharma monkey

embrace the monkey

Just flew in, and boy, are my arms tired


Time to switch from Sean the Religion Blogger to Sean the Travel Writer, though this first entry will have to be short and sweet: Iceland is too unique a place to easily describe with a few choice adjectives.

Our flight from BWI was without event, though it’s a tough trip to make because the flight is only five hours, so by the time you’re in the air, fed and watered and ready to settle down, you don’t have that much time to sleep. So I took the more conventional approach: I read, listened to music and did everything BUT sleep.

The upside? I watched one of the most stunning sunrises of my life over the mountain-lodged glaciers of Greenland. I’m not sure anything will ever match that experience, and as I looked around the plane, I may have well been the only one to see it.

We’re staying in a converted farmhouse about 90 minutes north of the capital city, overlooking the Whale’s Fjord. I guarantee you will be blown away when I post some pics of what I’ll see when I wake up the next four mornings.

And with that, I’m going to take a nap. A heavy nap that will, hopefully, last four hours or so. We’ll probably stay up here in the Icelandic boonies this evening and have a quiet night on our hilltop. The drive back down to Reykjavik is either a long one (about 90 minutes if you go the scenic route) or an expensive one ($15 toll and 60 minutes if you take the 7 kilometer tunnel under the fjord, which is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen – the tunnel walls are the bare earth that was blasted to make room for the roadway!).

Peace out, Monkeys, and look for some photos tomorrow.

Author: Sean

I am Sean, a writer/PR guy originally from the Rural South who grew up and settled down in Washington, D.C. My interests include local politics, Eastern philosophy, languages and reality television.

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